Investigation Updates, Changing Tactics, Trump Defends Life

Wednesday, October 3, 2018

Investigation Updates
Washington is buzzing with reports that the FBI investigation into the allegations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh may wrap up today.  Once the FBI's work is concluded, senators will receive a report from the Bureau. 
There is some debate as to what, if anything, will be made public.  It is not standard practice to release FBI reports to the Senate, but nothing about this confirmation process has been standard practice.
Yesterday Senate Majority Leader McConnell reiterated his intention to bring Kavanaugh's nomination to the floor for a vote this week.  The exact timing of the vote is uncertain, but senators have been told to be "on call" for possible votes throughout the weekend.
Meanwhile, moderate Tennessee Senator Bob Corker expressed confidence that Kavanaugh will be confirmed, adding that leftists have "overplayed their hand." 
Corker is right about that.  A new Harvard poll found that: 

  • 75% of voters believe that Sen. Dianne Feinstein should have immediately turned over Dr. Ford's letter when she received it rather than sitting on it for months.
  • 69% of voters believe that Kavanaugh's confirmation process was a "national disgrace."
  • 60% of voters believe Kavanaugh should be confirmed if the FBI investigation finds no corroborating evidence.

 Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA) is calling for a criminal referral to the Department of Justice against Julie Swetnick for submitting a false affidavit to the Senate. 
Trouble For Ford?
Dr. Christine Ford may be in some trouble.  An ex-boyfriend who dated Ford for six years has sent a statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee that blows a number of holes in her testimony.  Perhaps most damaging to her credibility are his claims about her experiences with polygraph tests. 
As you may recall, Arizona prosecutor Rachel Mitchell pressed Ford in a series of questions about her polygraph test.  Dr. Ford said that she had not been coached for her test nor had she ever coached anyone who was going to take a polygraph test.  She also said she was "scared" during her test. 
Her ex-boyfriend, however, states that he saw Ford coach a friend on how to pass a polygraph test, even "explaining in detail what to expect [and] how polygraphs worked."  His statement not only suggests Ford committed perjury during her Senate testimony, it also raises serious questions about the validity of the test she took.
As a result, Sen. Charles Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, is demanding that Ford's attorneys hand over any recordings of her polygraph test, as well as charts and other data, so the results can be independently verified.
In addition, Ford's ex-boyfriend also stated that she never mentioned anything about being sexually assaulted and never complained about flying even when they traveled together in a small propeller plane around the Hawaiian islands.
Last night, if you believe the liberal media, President Trump "attacked" Dr. Ford.  He did not attack her. 
He simply questioned her testimony and dared to say what many others have said.  The fact that she can remember having only one beer but can't remember far more significant details like how she got to the party, where it was or how she got home is difficult to accept.
Not only are there serious questions about Dr. Ford's testimony, but the other accusers are losing credibility as more individuals come forward to disclose information that big media are ignoring.  (Here and here.)
Changing Tactics
You can tell the sexual assault allegations against Judge Kavanaugh are losing steam because the left-wing hive has turned to a new tactic.  The theme now is that Kavanaugh doesn't possess a judicial temperament
To believe that, you to have ignore his past 12 years of service on the federal bench.  So what is the basis for this latest charge?  He got angry during his Senate testimony last week.
Well, I should hope so! 
Judge Kavanaugh endured weeks of false and vicious attacks.  He was accused of being evil, of being violent, of being a gang rapist and an alcoholic.  He and his family endured weeks of vile threats and the mocking of his daughter's faith.
After that kind of smear campaign, I would not want him on the Supreme Court if he failed to demonstrate some outrage. 
These tactics are despicable and must not be tolerated!  They will do serious damage to our republic if they succeed.
So, yes, Brett Kavanaugh showed some emotion, as any normal man would, when he was finally allowed to defend his honor against such outrageous smears. 
But in the age of pajama boys, Kavanaugh now stands accused of demonstrating "toxic masculinity" and of lacking judicial temperament.
Every day we get new reports of professors who lack professorial temperament. 
We see reporters without journalistic temperament. 
We see politicians without senatorial temperament. 
These ideologues, propagandists and hacks are in no position to discuss the proper temperament of their own professions, much less pass judgment on Brett Kavanaugh.
Trump Defends Life
October is Down Syndrome Awareness Month.  On Monday, President Trump issued a statement recognizing "the extraordinary men, women, and children with Down syndrome."  Below are some excerpts of the president's statement:
"Melania and I join in celebrating the lives of the more than 250,000 Americans with Down syndrome. . . We will always support the dreams of those with Down syndrome, and respect and honor the sanctity of their lives, at every stage. . .
"All people are endowed by their Creator with dignity and the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  Despite some persistent myths and stigmas, even within the medical community, our Nation strongly embraces the undeniable truth that a Down syndrome diagnosis is an opportunity to embrace God's gifts. 
"I stand for life – in all of its beautiful manifestations – and I, and my Administration, will continue to condemn the prejudice and discrimination that Americans with Down syndrome too often endure. . .
"During this month, we vow to continue creating opportunities for and supporting the extraordinary men, women, and children with Down syndrome.  Every day, they inspire us to live with great love, joy, and appreciation for our world and those who make it a truly unique and special place to live.  Life is precious, and it is our moral duty to protect and defend it."