Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Good News -- Your Support Helps Save Babies! 

2013 has been a challenging year for our values. But there are victories too, and your financial support for American Values makes those victories possible. As the year draws to a close, I'm happy to report that abortion clinics in America are closing at a record pace, and babies are being saved. 

A survey conducted by Operation Rescue finds that 81 abortion clinics closed in 2013, while six more stopped performing surgical abortions. The total number of surgical abortion centers in the United States stands at 582 -- down from a high of 2,176 in 1991. 

Take that Obama! In spite of his constant promotion of abortion, more and more Americans know abortion takes the life of an innocent child and exploits a vulnerable woman. 

A major reason for this success is undoubtedly the ongoing work of pregnancy resource centers, whose dedicated staff and volunteers change hearts and minds with information and love, and offer the choice of life. In addition, groups like American Values help to educate the public about the reality of abortion. Your support makes that possible. 

Credit is also due to pro-life legislation passed in recent years, which American Values supports and works to advance. For example, I'm sure you remember the controversy that erupted this summer in the state of Texas. A pro-abortion politician garnered national attention for filibustering legislation banning late-term abortions and requiring abortion centers to meet basic health and safety standards. 

While the headlines were all about the liberal politician, the real story is the success of this pro-life legislation: Eleven abortion facilities in the state of Texas closed in 2013. 

That is something to celebrate! 

Nevertheless, the battle rages on. We are working with allies in Washington, D.C., and in state capitals across the country to defend the sanctity of life, faith and the family. And we need your help to keep fighting! 

Stand with us right now, while there is still time to maximize your 2013 tax savings and double your support for American Values! 

I promise to fight the good fight so long as I have breath. But I can't do it without your help. 

Thank you, my friends. Carol and I wish you all of God's blessings in 2014! 


NOTE: Our office will be closed Wednesday, January 1st
The End of Day report will resume, Thursday, January 2nd.