These Pro-Life People Pray at the First-Ever Planned Parenthood Abortion Clinic


Thursday, October 30, 2014
by Shawn Carney | | 10/29/14 9:39 AM
We never know how God will plant seeds. That hit me during a recent visit to the 40 Days for Life campaign in
Syracuse, New York.We just need to answer His call and be there!
It’s starting to get cold in Syracuse … but that hasn’t stopped the leaders there, as they have seen 50 moms choose
life at the last moment during all of their campaigns so far.
There have been two babies spared from abortion in Syracuse during this campaign – at a vigil that’s taking place in
front of the first-ever Planned Parenthood abortion facility. “This is the mother ship for Planned Parenthood and we
are not going away anytime soon,” said Shannon, the local coordinator.
The fruit in Syracuse has gone beyond the sidewalk and birthed two new ministries in the region … all because of
volunteers who were inspired to do more after participating in 40 Days for Life.
One ministry, Ten Good Men, challenges men to stand up to the culture with prayer and leadership. The other, St.
Joseph’s Home, is a newly-opened maternity home for homeless moms that was started by the volunteer directly to
the left of me in this photo: (Displayed on website) 
The other women are the 40 Days for Life leaders who continue to pray at the place where Planned Parenthood
began to build the largest abortion chain in America. What an inspiration to see how God has used these faithful
women! They are an example to all of us.
One of the qualities you need to bring to the vigil is perseverance. There can be long hours on the sidewalk. The
people inside the abortion center just wish you’d go home. People passing by may say things. But often, they just
ignore you.
“One woman did take our information,” said Linda, the local leader in Canton, “but none of the others would even
look our way.”
Of course, there are some that do pay attention – but not always in a positive manner. A driver offered a rude
gesture and screamed, “You are a religious zealot!” Linda’s response? “I thanked him.”
Another volunteer said a man pulled up, rolled down his window, and wagged his finger at him – “like school teachers
used to do” – and yelled out, “Shame on you! Go home! You have no idea what you are doing! Shame on you!”
Thankfully, there are positive signs as well. “Two men brought us coffee and I got a fist bump from a young man with
earphones on,” Linda said. “He had a big smile and a head nod.”
As the campaign enters its final days, Linda expressed her appreciation. “All of you that are praying and fasting at
home please know your prayers are what is keeping the campaign going. If you are able and have not taken time to
pray at Planned Parenthood, please consider helping by being a visible sign to the community.”