Pro-Life Page

Friday, December 28, 2012

The Supreme Court decisions in Roe and Doe are still deeply divisive and have not been accepted by a deep consensus of the American people because they allow the killing of millions of children in the womb. Because the issue is one of life and death, it will not go away until either the Supreme Court or the American people through a constitutional amendment get it right. Abortion is such a grave and immoral injustice, on such a massive scale, that it can never be accepted completely by the American people.

From It's Past Time for the Supreme Court to Overturn Roe v. Wade |

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Centers for Disease Control released new national abortion figures this week and the mainstream media has essentially ignored the fact that the number of women dying from legal abortions has doubled.

from Report: Number of Women Dying From Legal Abortions Doubles |

Friday, June 22, 2012

Students for Life of America commissioned a new poll of young voters that finds they do not like the pro-abortion record of President Barack Obama and also don’t favor his HHS mandate that forces religious groups to pay for abortion-causing drugs and birth control. Students for Life of America commissioned one of the first-wide scale quantitative studies of 18-24 year olds in the 2012 election season — important because of the impact young voters made in 2008 in propelling Obama to office.

from Poll: Young Voters Oppose Obama Abortion Record, HHS Mandate |

Thursday, September 27, 2012

In a new column at the New York Times, former CNN and NBC anchor Campbell Brown exposes the political arm of the Planned Parenthood abortion business as essentially a subsidiary of the Democratic Party.

from Ex-CNN Anchor Exposes Planned Parenthood as Democratic Shill |
