End of Day Archives

Frieden's Fiasco, How Much Risk, Screenings Start, Left Demands More Risk

Frieden's Fiasco 

Faith in the government's ability to handle major crises has been falling year after year. A Gallup poll last month found that it has fallen 17 points since 2012, to its lowest level ever. 

Frieden Must Resign, The CDC’s Failure, Persecuting Pastors, Obama's War Failure

Frieden Must Resign 

I believe that Dr. Thomas Frieden, director of the Centers of Disease Control, must step down. Under his direction, there have been repeated problems at the CDC. During the Dallas Ebola outbreak, CDC bureaucrats have seemed more concerned with getting an A for political correctness while getting a D- when it comes to applying years of knowledge about halting outbreaks of deadly diseases. Further developments today (see below) are the final straw. 

Ebola Day 14, How Nigeria Succeeded, Blaming Budget Cuts

Ebola In America: Day 14 

There is dismay at the disappointing news in Dallas that a nurse who treated Thomas Duncan has contracted the deadly Ebola virus. The Centers for Disease Control's initial reaction was to blame the nurse for a "breach of protocol." But the breach has yet to be identified and how the nurse became infected remains a mystery. 

Ebola Day 10, Priorities, America The Bad, Marriage Debate Not Over

Ebola In America: Day 10 

Here's some good news to report on the Ebola front: The Dallas deputy sheriff in isolation yesterday tested negative for the disease. 

Now for the not-so-good news. . .

Health officials are warning that the Ebola outbreak in West Africa is spreading exponentially, "doubling about every three weeks." But don't worry -- we're doing more temperature screenings at five airports. Feel better?

Ebola Day 9, White House Prostitution Scandal, Goodbye Keystone Jobs, And Healthcare Plans

Ebola In America: Day 9 

Obama Administration officials announced yesterday that five major U.S. airports will begin additional temperature screenings of passengers from West Africa. These screenings won't begin until Saturday at the earliest. Critics are already concluding that this is not a serious measure.

Ebola Day 8, ISIS Here, Is Obama Losing?

Ebola In America: Day 8 

Thomas Duncan, the Liberian national being treated for Ebola in Dallas, died this morning just before 8:00 a.m. 

Ebola Day 7, CDC Disinformation, Ignoring The People, Just Say No

Ebola In America: Day 7 
As polling data revealed a growing lack of confidence in big government, government officials convened at the White House yesterday and once again reassured us that an Ebola outbreak in America was highly unlikely.

President Obama announced that there would be additional screenings for passengers traveling to the United States. But the screening process clearly needs revamping. 

Ebola Day 6, No Confidence In Big Government, Netanyahu Leads Again, Are You Registered?

Ebola In America: Day 6 

Thomas Duncan, the Liberian man in Dallas infected with Ebola, is reportedly fighting for his life. It was reported yesterday that he has suffered kidney failure and is on a ventilator. 

Ebola Day 3, Ebola Tourism, Panetta Pans Obama

Ebola In America: Day 3 

There are disturbing reports today out of Dallas, once again demonstrating how easily our "emergency protocols" can breakdown. 

News reports are using the word "chaos" to describe the situation at the apartment complex where Thomas Duncan's relatives are staying. The family is now under armed guard because they reportedly violated their quarantine orders. 

Ebola Day 2, Shut Down?, Bad News for Obamacare

Ebola In America: Day 2 

Forty-eight hours after reports of the first confirmed case of Ebola in America made headlines, the news isn't getting any better. The more we learn the more questions we have.

We now know that the Ebola victim, Thomas Duncan, DID inform the hospital staff during his first visit that he had recently been in Liberia. That very same hospital had also just performed "a run-through of procedures to follow if an Ebola case presented there." In spite of this, confusion prevailed and Mr. Duncan was sent home with antibiotics. 
